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HeritageCommissionMinutes 12/17/2009
Chichester Heritage Commission
December 17, 2009
MEMBERS PRESENT:  Bette Bogdan (Citizen), Barbara Frangione (Historical Society),   Lucille Noel (Historical Commission), Michelle Plunkett (Citizen Alternate).
EXCUSED:  Tom Jameson (Planning Board Chairman),Dawn Marshall (Conservation Commission),   Bob Mann (Conservation Commission),  Steve MacCleery (Chair Board of Selectmen),
Lucille Noel opened the meeting at 7:05pm
Minutes from the 11/19/2009 meeting were approved as written.
Reviewed sample photos provided by Deb Seamon, and it was agreed to offer Deb the opportunity to provide photos of Town Hall Grange to be used in application process for the Town Hall/Grange NHDHR project.
Review Lucille’s town report draft. Suggestion made by Barbara Frangione to add paragraph explanation on why warrant article needed for March 2010. Lucille stated that a separate explanation would be provided as an educational resource.
Steve provided a written timeline to Lucille with projects and dates of changes to the Selectmen’s office and Town Hall Grange.
Bette to reported that the Chichester Grange  granted permission for interior photos of the Grange area for NHDHR application documentation.
Michelle reported back on #39 and #40 which required clarification, Michelle will call Mary Kate Ryan at NH Division of  Historical Resources (NHDHR) for assistance, and report back.
Bette reported back on #43 of NHDHR meaning. Per Mary Kate Ryan at NHDHR, this is a walk thru description of the building, and sample was provided.Bette suggested that  the Commission review an approved application, and will obtain the Salem Town Hall documentation.
Barbara Frangione is currently reviewing the Grange books made available from Walter Sanborn, and states this process is almost complete.
Lucille provided  for review, the book from Historical Society on the history of the stage curtains at the town hall, and this will be utilized for application documentation.
FOLLOW UP 1/19/2010:
Chichester Historical Society  Town Hall/Grange presentation (This Place Matters) 1/11/2010,  Commission members are invited to attend.
Lucille Noel will contact all members to notify them of next meeting date to be held 1/19/2010 at 1800 Town Hall/Grange. Lucille will invite Bernie Rienhart to this meeting, asking him to assist with #43 documentation.
Bette will obtain a copy of an approved NHDHR application. (Salem Town Hall)
Bette will notify Deb Seamon of Commissions' request to assist with photography.
There being no further discussion, Lucille Noel declared the meeting adjourned at 2015.
Respectfully submitted December 17th  2009, Bette Bogdan, Clerk/Secretary
Approved  1/21/2010:
______________________  _________         ________________________________     _________
Lucille Noel Chairwoman        Date                  Barbara Frangione Vice-Chairwoman         Date